The Management Unit is composed of the following positions:
  • Chief Executive Officer (“Chief Executive Officer” or “CEO”);
  • Deputy Chief Executive Officer-Administration; 
  • Deputy Chief Executive Officer – Project Management;
  • Finance Director; 
  • Procurement Director,
  • Communications & Outreach Director;
  • Environmental and Social Director;
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Director;
  • Projects’ directors; and
  • Other officers and assistants. 


The Management Unit will have the principal responsibility for the day-to-day management of the Compact operations,including those roles and responsibilities specifically set forth in the Program Implementation Agreement.  The specific duties of the Management Unit include the following:
  • Development and administration of financial, procurement, monitoring and evaluation, fiscal accountability, work, audit and staffing plans;
  • Maintenance of accounting records for the program and its projects;
  • Preparation, review and submission of reports regarding finances, accounting, audits, monitoring and evaluation, procurement and performance of the company and the program, including all compliance reports required under the Compact, the Program Implementation Agreement and applicable law, and such other reports and accounts as may be required by the Board;
  • Coordination of the program and the projects consistent with the Compact, the Program Implementation Agreement and any other Supplemental Agreements;
  • Management, implementation and coordination of all components of the M&E Plan;
  • Ongoing oversight of procurement and procurement-related activities in accordance with the MCC Program Procurement Guidelines as required by the Compact and the Program Implementation Agreement;
  • Preparation and submission of appropriate documentation pertaining to the tax exemption of MCC funding required by the Compact and any other supplemental agreements;
  • The acquisition and maintenance of a management information system to allow the systematic tracking of programmatic and financial implementation of, and performance under, the Compact, including for each project;
  • The administration of the company Website to post current information about Compact related activities, M&E Plan reporting, financial reporting, and Compact related procurement;
  • Development, oversight, management, coordination and implementation of such policies and procedures as may be necessary to facilitate the effective implementation of the Compact and as may be advisable in connection with any Supplemental Agreement, and such other policies, procedures or activities as may be required or requested by the Board in furtherance of the Compact;
  • Provision of the advice and written recommendations to the Board in matters requiring Board actions and, in connection therewith, the Management Unit will prepare and submit to the Board the relevant agreements, documents or actions to be approved, along with a written recommendation to the Board on how to proceed with such agreements, documents or action needed to support such recommendation;
  • Preparation of and submission to the Board of any other report, document, agreement or action required by the Compact, the Program Implementation Agreement or other Supplemental Agreement, or as may be designated or requested by the Board from time to time, along with the written recommendation to the Board on how to proceed;
  • Reporting to and meeting with the Stakeholders Committee on at least a quarterly basis with respect to the program implementation progress; and
  • Undertaking any other responsibilities within the scope of program implementation that may be required or requested from time to time by the Board, and any other responsibilities set forth in the Compact, the Program Implementation Agreement, or any other Supplemental Agreement.